Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss

apple cider vinegar for weight loss

Written by:  Beverly Nevard

January 29, 2023

When you eat carbohydrates they are quickly digested and converted into glucose that is rapidly released into the blood stream (blood sugar).  Insulin is released by your body to help regulate your blood sugar.

Eating a lot of refined carbohydrates (sugar, white flour, cookies, cakes, bread, soda, candy, sweetened cereals, etc.) rapidly increases your blood sugar levels and large amounts of insulin are released into your blood stream, creating insulin spikes.

Insulin is a very powerful fat storage hormone.  After each insulin spike, the hormone remains in the blood stream.

When there is excess insulin in the blood stream, it becomes nearly impossible to lose body fat even if you reduce your calorie intake.  When insulin becomes less effective in lowering blood sugar this is called insulin resistance. 

Insulin resistance is one of the main reasons why so many people gain weight.  Until insulin levels are brought back down to reasonable levels, weight loss is almost impossible.

How can Apple Cider Vinegar help you lose weight? 

Studies have shown that the acetic acid in Apple Cider Vinegar can help reduce the rate that glucose is released into the blood stream which will reduce insulin spikes.  The studies also showed that the acetic acid in Apple Cider Vinegar helps switch-off genes that promote obesity.

People on the apple cider vinegar diet typically take about 2 to 3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar before each meal.  A delicious way to include Apple Cider Vinegar to your diet each day is with a Vinaigrette Salad Dressing.  Try this delicious Asparagus Dijon Vinaigrette Salad recipe.

Apple Cider Vinegar Health Benefits

Apple cider vinegar provides several health benefits too, particularly the organic, raw-unfiltered variety. 

Here is a list of the nutritional ingredients in apple cider vinegar.  Studies have shown it can help reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol levels in addition to helping you lose weight.

  • Pectin, malic acid, ash and acetic acid
  • Vitamins: C, E, A, B1, B2 and B6
  • Minerals: selenium, manganese, copper, zinc, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and calcium.

How is Apple Cider Vinegar made? 

Apple cider vinegar is made from the fermentation of either apple cider (a fermented beverage made from apple juice) or apple must (freshly pressed juice that contains the skins and seeds).  During the fermentation process the bacteria break down sugar into alcohol.  Then the alcohol is broken down into vinegar.

Unpasteurized, raw-unfiltered apple cider vinegar has “mother of vinegar”. Mother of vinegar is what settles at the bottom of the bottle and is mostly made up of acetic acid bacteria.

This is typically the remnants of the bacteria from the fermentation process.  It’s important to shake the bottle before adding the apple cider vinegar to your recipes to get the full benefit.


Studies and research of apple cider vinegar for weight loss have shown that the loss of weight is gradual but permanent.  The process is an ongoing one that does not require you to change your dietary habits too dramatically.  Regular physical exercise, a healthy diet and adding apple cider vinegar to your menu each day should help you lose weight.


Can Apple Cider Vinegar Help You Lose Weight?  
Does Apple Cider Vinegar Help With Weight Loss? 
Can Apple Cider Vinegar Really Help You Lose Weight? 


Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of HealthBuzz Hotline or its staff.
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